Wood Graining Rocker – 5″


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SKU: WG-ROCKER-5 Category:

 5” ROCKER– Creates a vertical, continuous wood grain pattern.

  • Rock and drag tool slowly at intervals through wet Farmhouse product, starting at one end of the stroke, using one continuous motion down to other end, varying the look from row to row. For a combined effect use the notched edge to pull down surface.


  • Start with a dry base coat of Farmhouse Paint color that mimics the lightest color of the type of wood you are trying to replicate.
  • Use any of the following Farmhouse Wood Graining Tools manipulated through wet Farmhouse Glazing Gel. As you go, lighten up on pressure applied or use firmer pressure to vary lights and darks.
  • When desired effect is achieved allow to thoroughly dry.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 lbs
Dimensions 5 × 5 × 2 in